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Footwear Design & Development Institute All India Selection Test

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I have 547 common merit list in fddi aist test. which college will i get with this rank?

iamlavishamittal 3rd Jul, 2022
Hey dear,

You have a chance of receiving a seat assignment at the FDDI Hyderabad campus due to your rank of 547 in the FDDI, 2022. You should try out for the Hyderabad campus. You are welcome to test any of these programmes.

I sincerely hope that education in footwear design and production, leather goods and accessories design, and fashion design would be helpful to you.

To know more about FDDI exam in Hyderabad -

To access the college list -

Thank you.

please send me previous 10 year question paper

Student 7th Jun, 2022

Hi there! In response to your query, candidate is highly recommended to check out the official website of the organising authority of the examination. Generally they have a section under their website of archive section, where they store their question papers and respective answer keys. The above mentioned resources can be downloaded from that source.

Hope this answer helps; best wishes


do some hospitals give cars like mercedes, bmw as bonus to doctors

dhanshree1501 16th Mar, 2022

Hello Aspirant,

I hope that you are doing well.

No hospital offers doctors a BMW or even a free car. They can, however, acquire from their own money.

It depends on the doctor's background and the type of doctor he is. For example, some specialists, such as cardiologists, earn between 2 and 3 lakhs each day, which implies they can easily afford it.

I hope this helps.

Good luck!

Thank you


if i was a neurosurgeon who did 100 surgeries per month, and charge 2-3 lakh per surgery and visit 2 other hospital as consultant neurosurgeon and i opened a 150 bed hospital with all the basic facilities , could i earn 3-4 crore per month

piyush263001 15th Jan, 2022


Neurosurgeons are medical specialists treat conditions of the nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves of the face, arms, legs, hands and feet.

-----  Neurosurgeons are the most highly trained of doctors, studying for a minimum of 15 years before they're permitted to perform unsupervised operations on patients.

---- They are among the highest-paid surgeons due to the complex nature of the work.

Average annual income of neurosurgeons in India is estimated at around 50 Lakhs.

----- Also from your profile it is evident that you are Class XI aspirant of medicine. It is quite remarkable to be inquisitive about things but queries that you post on the daily basis don't seem to be any way relatable to you.

--- Stop spamming the platform with your illogical and not so worthy imaginary and hypothetical Questions.

I hope you find the answer helpful.

Thank you.


Fddi aist Mdes sample paper 2019

ganeshwankhede1998 25th Jun, 2021

Dear aspirant,

It is difficult to get the FDDI AIST 2019 sample paper for M.Des. But, you can get the sample paper of FDDI AIST 2020 for M.Des.

To download the sample pa[er of FDDI AIST exam for M.Des, you can visit the below link:

I hope, your query is solved.


is current affairs app helpful for fddi AIST??

prem kumar 8th Apr, 2021

No.The current affairs app may helps you to crack competitive exams not like common entrance exams that are different from others to competition . As the AIST follows certain pattern and  topics to test the students mental strength in varies areas of knowledge ,so it's better follow the pattern which is given by fddi in it's official site like (// . To know more about AIST entrance examination log on to it .


what about the design aplitude test and business aplitude test in fddi aist???

FDDI HYDERABAD 19th Apr, 2021

FDDI will conduct the entrance examination for the candidates ,those who interested in taking admission in this Institution are filter by entrance exam called AIST ( All India Selection Test ) on every year basis .

  1. The FDDI institution is inviting the students for Bachelor & Master program that they offering for , For take of admission in particular program candidate are go through entrance examination which conducted by fddi .
  2. Entrance examination is differ from Bachelor to Master program students that is designed by Institution to filter the candidates , All the topics and questions from in general for ,which other institution follow to select the students

Above topics are part of examination which are in it's site and prospectus ,and not to worry much about them , go through topic and section they decided and read prospectus well for good understanding  of examination .

If you have any questions and want of details more can visit it's site, for more clarification ,can visit the particular campus to get better experience and further things .


where can i get previous question papers?

Vidya Mandadi 26th Mar, 2021

Hello there,

Can you please mention the exam for which you are looking for previous question papers as details may help you better  to solve your querry. You can also look for the papers you want in the website of the organisation which is conducting the exam. For example: papers for IELTS will be avaiable on British council and for GRE they will be available on ETS.

Thank you!

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