Footwear Design & Development Institute All India Selection Test
A paper based test ( PBT ) for Bachelor & Master programmes will be conducted on 4 June 2021 at 31 cities throughout India.The candidates may select only one City for the examination .No request for change of examination center will not be entertained at any stage.
Section - A Quantitative Aptitude 25 Qes 50 marks
Section - B English comprehension & grammar 50 Qes 50 marks
Section - C General Knowledge & current Affairs 50 Qes 50 marks
Section -D Management Aptitude Test & Analytical Ability 50 Qes 50 marks
This is format of entrance examination on given topic in General .Prepare on it well ,to clear exam .Once you get admission into FDDI , find right campus like Hyderabad to make more productive yourself to enable the knowledge for bright career in your life with best experience & expertise faculty and clean & Green campus that had .
For further information and updates log on to (// .
I nstitution of FDDI conducts the entrance examination called ( AIST ) on paper based test for undergraduate & postgraduates programmes will be conducted on every year at 31 cities across India, through releasing the it's an official notification to get into admission by applicants. For Bachelors and Master programs have separate exam to select the candidates to the academics. The entrance exam to test the basic knowledge of candidate on general topics given below .
Section - A Quantitative Aptitude 25 Que 25 Marks
Section - B Verbal Ability 40 Que 40 Marks
Section - C General Awareness 35 Que 35 Marks
Section - D Business Aptitude Test & 50 Que 100 Marks
Design Aptitude Test
A Total of 150 Questions for 200 Marks.
Section - A Quantitative Aptitude 25 Que 50 Marks
Section - B English comprehension and Grammar 50 Que 50 Marks
Section - C General Knowledge & Current Affairs 50 Que 50 Marks
Section - D Management Aptitude Test & Analytical Test 50 Que 50 Marks
A Total of 175 Questions for 200 Marks to master program.
All the applied candidates are advised to download Hall-Tickets from the website (// or .Candidates are advised to look into fddi website to updates and other information. Admit cards and Results for AIST 2021 will be available or posted fddi website only . No information will be sent by post . Candidates are advised to reach examination center before 90 Minutes , no electronic gadgets should carried ,if they find candidate asked to leave the examination Hall . FDDI Campus of Hyderabad is one of the good institution to study and gain knowledge to get placed at leading companies.
Quantitative Aptitude -
Verbal Ability
General Awareness
Business Aptitude Test & Design Aptitude Test ,for all Bachelor programs is about 150 Questions for 200 marks .
And for Master programs it follows like
Above topics are for test the candidates in entrance examination which conducted by fddi in 31 cities in India.
For more information visit website (// ,to get more details over there in prospects and site .
Institution of FDDI has established in 1986 at Noida as it's Headquarters to provide design courses with new aim to promote footwear and leather products as well make the country to potentially enough in creating jobs and professionals ,spread in different location of India. Now ,having 12 campuses Hyderabad is one of such institution is providing design courses to students about best faculty and academic record in past years .
As Hyderabad city has history ,like Hyderabad campus got name and fame within short time with it's endeavour either in academics or building itself as namely institution in society.It's gained name for the facilities that it has and making better to provide with technology ,has good hostel facility for Girls & Boys separate with 24/7 security and food & water is good to the standard ,labs and class-rooms built in such way that can handle easily and function peacefully .The faculty and technicians & staff are at service to guide and support the students ,those who go for further studies or settle well in their career with best and high level of profession either in India or Abroad .
To know more about campus log in to
As per guidelines which given by FDDI, for providing courses either Bachelor or Master programmes are required qualification to apply for .
Eligibility for admission to bachelor degree programmes ( B.Des / BBA )
A candidate who has passed
10+2 in any stream ,from any recognized board ,or any school or board or university examination in India or foreign country recognized by the association of Indian universities as equivalent to 10+2 system or school examination conducted by National open school with minimum five subjects or
All India Council for Technical Education ( AICTE ) approved three years full time diploma after class x offered by Board of Technical Education of any state or union territory .A candidate who has appeared for any examination under clause (A) and whose results has not been declared at time of admission ,shall be eligible to apply for admission to the bachelor programmes ,such candidate ,if selected ,shall be granted provisional admission and shall be required to submit the result of the requisite examination on or before the 30th day of september 2021.The age limit for the Bachelor's programme shall be 25 years as on 1 July 2021.
To know more about fddi log on to (// , all details will be available and as well applications are going into academic year 2021-2022.
well. Being established in 1986 the FDDI has 12 campuses in India by providing bachelor & master programmes through academic.It follows like below
BACHELOR OF DESIGN ( B.Des ) : Duration 4 years
B.Des. ( Footwear design & production )
B.Des. (Leather goods & accessories design )
B.Des. (Fashion design )
BBA ( Retail & fashion merchandise )
Master of Design ( M.Des ) : Duration 2 years
M.Des ( Footwear design & production )
MBA ( Retail & fashion merchandise )
All the eligible candidates are welcome to apply above said programmes in fddi ( (// ) ,which candidates are filter through entrance examination to get into admission . As their academic and placements are going best in few colleges ,fddi Hyderabad ,and few other are good at their academic level so far .The campus of hyderabad is one of the best to study and gain the knowledge and get placed at various levels of country even in the foreign with parted companies .
Career is there in footwear technology in India past 5 year .it's getting new to India in faculty standard and institution even in getting placement wise .Because it has it's own demand in availability raw material ,Machinery and mostly the professional who deals them are required more in number.Rightly ,FDDI Noida and Chennai have good standard of it and you can find more in other institutions
if you want build career in fddi ,Hyderabad campus is good to study for providing courses either in footwear or fashion design courses that make you give some space in society to get placed or get other placed by you.For more details visit (//
FDDI institution is providing the both the courses along with the other design courses for public those who wants to take admission in respective course for the best future crafted by fddi over here with good faculty and better placements for students .
FDDI is such institution that is providing all the design courses for students with best facilities and faculty and better campus facilities and all .
Choose the campuses like Hyderabad which is the best and running successfully for the past years with all round development and progress. For more information visit it's official website (// ,to get more experience and get doubts clear .
The FDDI colleges rank in the following order for 2020 latest
1. FDDI Hyderabad
2. FDDI Noida
3. FDDI Chennai
4. FDDI Kolkata
5. FDDI Jodhpur
Other collegs stands equal.
Hope this helps you,
All the best.
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