Footwear Design & Development Institute All India Selection Test
Let me tell you with this rank you will get some of Good Campuses of FDDI,are FDDI Kolkata/FDDI Chennai/FDDI Fursatganj/FDDI Rohtak/FDDI Hyderabad/FDDI Patna/FDDI Chindwara/FDDI Ankhleswara/FDDI Chandigarh.
These are Some of good Campuses which you can Opt with this rank don't be worry about it all the campuses of FDDI is good and Placements will be Centralized from Main campus i.e Noida,Infrastruture and Exposure are same everywhere and Faculties are also Good.
All the Best.
Hello Aspirant
Congratulations, as your harf work has paid of. As per your query, let me inform you that it would be very easy for you to grab a seat in FDDI Noida Campus with your rank. Hope you find this answer useful. All the best.
Hey there,
Congrats for your achivement.
You can use our website college predictor to have an idea about the college you might get.
And for fees you can directly contact college they will provide you all the necessary information.
Hope this help, please upvote if you like.
Congratulations, as your hard work has paid of. As per your query, I would like you to know that you can easily grab a seat in FDDI Campuses like FDDI Guna, FDDI Chandigarh, FDDI Fursatganj, etc. Hope you find this answer useful. All the best.
The FDDI colleges rank in the following order for 2020 latest
1. FDDI Hyderabad
2. FDDI Noida
3. FDDI Chennai
4. FDDI Kolkata
5. FDDI Jodhpur
Other collegs stands equal.
Hope this helps you,
All the best.
Hello Apirant
Congratulations, as your hard work has paid of. As per your query, I would like you to know that you can easily grab a seat in FDDI Noida Campus with your rank. Hope this answer helps you. All the best.
Hello Alisha,
First of all congratulation for performing well in your exams. With this rank you can get your favourite colleges except FDDI NOIDA. The FDDI college's in which you can get a seat are:
Attend the councelling and you will get more assurance after that.
I hope you will find my answer helpful.
Congratulation, for your hard work has paid of. Do not be disheartened, as you have chances to grab a seat in FDDI Chennai campus in the second round of counselling. So, just wait and believe you will get through it.Hope this answer helps you. All the best.
Congratulations, as your hard work has paid of. You can easily grab a seat in FDDI campuses with your rank. Hope this answer helps you. All the best.
Congratulations as you have a got a good rank in FDDI AIST. As per your query, you can get a seat in any of the FDDI Campuses, go through the councelling session. Students are asked to submit all the certificates until September last week. Until then your results of supplementary exams will come. So, no need of worrying. You can get into the college. Hope this answer helps you. All the best.
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