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Footwear Design & Development Institute All India Selection Test

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I got 137 rank in aist is there any chance to get admission in fddi Noida campus???

shreya.adarsh97 Student Expert 6th Jul, 2019

Hello aspirant

Congratulations, as your hard work has paid of. As per your query, I would like you to know that you stand chances to grab a seat in FDDI Noida campus with this rank. Hope you find this answer useful. All the best.


Is fddi degree valid in India and is it UGC certified ?

Rajesh Khanna 2nd Mar, 2021

Yes,FDDI- degree are valid in India and it's not certified by UGC. FDDI is itself Govt institution under ministry of commerce & industry . Since 1986 the institution running successfully with good academic results and giving best placements in fields of Footwear ,Fashion and leather goods & Retail .

FDDI has 12 campuses with Headquarters at Noida in India,for further details and study in FDDI ,the fddi is inviting you to get into admission as the application are going till June 15 , apply for interested course to craft your career bright and professional by FDDI institution. The campus of Hyderabad is one of the best institutions in fddi . To get more information visit (// .


Can I change colleges after studying for a year in FDDI without paying the fees of the remaining 3 years?

kumar prem 10th Apr, 2021

Yes ,you can have change the campus but above all you need to clear all your academics fine and mess and all,then only with some changes of it need to pay the fee and expenses are bear by you what they have on their campus for further year of study .

The more information you will get in it's website (// .

and read prospectus properly to get idea.


I have got 669 AIR in FDDI AIST 2019 do I have a chance of getting into noida campus for fashion design? If not which is the next best?

FDDI HYDERABAD 23rd Apr, 2021

All campuses that are working in different regions are in part of FDDI,which established in 1986 with Headquarters at Noida in U.P. under the ministry of commerce and industry with aim to provide good education and more employment in design courses and footwear industry .

  • All campuses are offering fashion design course ,that they are same but campus difference . Faculty are the good from different backgrounds and has multi talented of their education.
  • Instead of looking for Noida campus ,look for campus like Hyderabad which is good,clean and green one . Campus of Hyderabad has many advantages for the students by it's center of all  area like SEZ, Film Nagar ,IT hub is surrended by it and with most exposure to know and grab opportunities and make shine .
  • For Fashion Design course , Campus of Hyderabad is the best and providing all facilities and workshops and auditorium and internships and placements .

To know more about campus of Hyderabad visit (// . select hyderabad and look at campus and do visit it ,if possible and get clear if you have any doubts.


I have 1044 rank in FDDI will I get FDDI Chandigarh??

shreya.adarsh97 Student Expert 5th Jul, 2019

Hello Aspirant

Congratulations, as your hard work has paid of. As per your query, I would like you to know that you can easily grab a seat in FDDI Chandigarh Campus with this rank. Hope this answer helps you. All yhe best.


Which branch is best..... FDP or RFM or LGAD please explain..

Ajay Pratap singh 22nd Jun, 2019

hi virat                                                                                                            

please choose the one which you have intrest in doing it unless you will not able to give your 100%.

so among these branches choose that one in which you feel happy in doing it


What is the average packages of fddi MBA (retail & fashion merchandise)?

Rajesh Khanna 17th Mar, 2021

MBA ( Master of Business Administration ) that fddi offering to focus on enhancing the critical thinking ,reasoning skills ,intellectual skills particularly with regard to Retail Industry knowledge and practices. It also develops the comprehensive understanding of different domains in the practice of retail management, even designed in view of learning and teaching strategy .

After completion of course students ( Degree holders ) will have multiple opportunities can join in fashion or Retail Industry as Manager ,Area Manager ,Operational Manager and visual Merchandiser and etc. in international companies like shoppers stop ,Aditya Birla, Burberry and Armani and other top leading and MNCs in India with an average of 4 or 4.5 lac pa ,and it's varies from company to company .

  • If you join MBA In FDDI , the application for the academic year 2021-2022 is going on it's an official website (// to apply till last date on 15 June ,2021. All the information and updates available there very clearly ,For further queries and info may contact respective campus by selecting it .
  • It has 12 campuses in India ,to provide technical education to all and make them knowledgeable and professional to create more employment to the sector.
  • Campus of Hyderabad is one of it under FDDI Institution ,is offering good education and best faculty and classrooms with modern facilities  like modernized IT Labs , Workshops , studios and Library with best of institution to make student use and get benefit from them .
  • Hostel facility for both separately with 24/ 7 internet facility and security to students . For physical activities there is playground and other courts to play and Gym too.

I Have Secured 60 IN AIST 2019 general category Will I get Footwear Design / Leather Goods and Accessories Design in Noida.

shreya.adarsh97 Student Expert 4th Jul, 2019

Hello Aspirant

Congratulations as your hard work has paid of. As per your query, I would like you to inform that you can easily grab a seat in any of the branch you want in Noida Campus with your rank. Hope this answer helps you. All the best.


My fddi cmr is1450 and obc rank is309 which fddi college I get? Hyderabad

Rahul kumar 20th Jun, 2019


Your Score is good Enough to get you FDDI,Hyderbad Campus for Sure,Don't be worry about it,but yeah,if any seats remains then only you will get Hyderbad Campus Otherwise it will be tougher for you with this rank,because there are lot of candidate whose score is More than 1000 and Less then 1400 can also apply,do it will decrease your chances,but yeah,as per previous years trends and cutoff analysis i am 95% Sure that you will get FDDI Hyderabad with this rank.And Yeah Hyderbad is one of the Best and Emerging Campuses of FDDI.

All the Best


My AIST common merit rank is1450 and category rank is309 which fddi college I get?which campus is good for footwear design..

shreya.adarsh97 Student Expert 20th Jun, 2019

Hello Aspirant

Congratulation as your hard work has given you a gift. According to your query, first of all I would like to tell you that all the campuses of FDDI are equal with a quite preferences being given to Noida as it is the head campus but the faculties are awesome in all the campuses no matter whether it is Kolkata or Chindwara campus. Now about your rank, it would be easy for you to grab a seat in Chennai, Fursatganj, Chindwara and other campuses. Hope you find this answer useful. All the best.

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